Researching creative economies in Africa: sharing knowledge, methods and practices
ReCrEA: Researching creative economies in Africa: sharing knowledge, methods and practices is a collaborative project between King’s College London, Aarhus University and Humboldt University of Berlin. It aims to bring together current research – from a range of disciplines – that explore the value, workings and impact of creative economies in Africa. Research on creative economies (CE) in Africa is limited and fragmented across different disciplines, making it hard for academics to connect and establish shared frameworks and practices. Furthermore, research on CE has been narrowly focused on the Global North and has not placed enough value on cultures, heritage, innovations and ideas from the Global South. So, the proposed project aims to create a network of activities to rebalance this perspective by supporting research on Africa to be shared and made more visible, giving space to PhDs and ECRs (early career researchers) to interact and share ideas.
The project also recognises that CE are essential to innovation, technology and economic development and are cornerstones of sustainable development, community engagement and dialogue across cultures and generations. The project has 3 objectives:
- create an opportunity for academics across our Universities and Circle U to share their research on CE, prioritising contributions from ECR and scholars from the global majority, including opportunities for mobility amongst the partners.
- create opportunities for PhD students and ECRs to collaborate through online workshops, to present ongoing research, present methodological questions, and reflect on their practice in a supporting and collaborative network.
- publish a brief manifesto summarising some of the challenges researchers face and some of the research questions and themes that need addressing by new research projects and future PhDs.
The activities will include a mix of online-only seminars and 3 hybrid events; all will be accessible and open to everyone
CALL FOR PAPERS SANORD 2025, Aarhus University
As part of our activities, we will contribute to the SANORD Conference 2025
13-15 August 2025 Aarhus University
Read more about the conference here:https://sanord.uwc.ac.za/media/sanord-annual-conference-2025-call-now-open/ or read the CALL for papers here: https://events.au.dk/sanord2025/call-for-abstracts
Submit your paper for the panel: 4. Creative Economies in Africa: Platforms, Frameworks and Impacts
Deadline for submissions is March 1, 2025