Dr Lauren England (Department of Culture, Media and Creative Industries) and Dr Eka Ikpe have been awarded funding from King’s College London AHRC Impact Acceleration Account to work with partners based in Lagos (Nigeria) on the project “Supporting Women’s Creative Entrepreneurship in Lagos: A network and documentary film”.
The project sees the KCL team working in partnership with lead creative practitioners and entrepreneurs in Lagos: Ms Bolanle Austen-Peters, founder of Terra Kulture; Prof. Peju Layiwola, founder of Wy Art: The Women and Youth Art Foundation; Ms. Ituen Basi from Ituen Basi, design/ production workshop and incubator space and Ms. Emalohi Iroube, founder and director of Tribe XX Lab, a female only co-working space.
The project aims to foster knowledge exchange among creative entrepreneurial women in Lagos, Nigeria, and establish a network through a workshop; celebrate stories of women creative entrepreneurs in an accessible, engaging format – documentary film; and inform inclusive creative economy (CE) development in Nigeria by engaging CE stakeholders with the documentary and network discussions at a film screening.
The documentary work will be undertaken by Ms. Cristina Cabral, documentary filmmaker and SOAS PhD student.
Filming and research will take place from 11-17th November in Lagos, with more research being developed from December 2023 to February 2024. The documentary will be presented and shared with partners and audiences on International Women’s Day 2024.