Creative Economies Africa

Rhodes University celebrate the launch of CoRE on Creative Economies

Rhodes University celebrate the launch of CoRE on Creative Economies

Rhodes University Launch of the New Africa-Europe Clusters of Research Excellence.

On the 8th of March 2024, Rhodes University will celebrate the launch of its new CoRE with an online event open to all. The event will take place 14:00 – 16:15 (PM Harare, Pretoria)

Register in advance for this meeting

Programme (subject to updates)

14:00 – 14:05 Welcome Professor Joanna Dames: Dean of Science, Rhodes University
14:05 – 14:15 Rhodes University Vice Challencor’s Message Professor Sizwe Mabizela: Vice-Chancellor, Rhodes University
14:15 – 14:25 University of Ljubljana Rector and Chancellor’s Messege Professor Gregor Majdič: Chancellor, University of Ljubljana
14:25 – 14:45 Messages of Support: Fostering Africa-Europe Equitable Research Partnership (ARUA-The GUILD) model
Professor Ernest Aryeetey: African Research Universi􀆟es Alliance Secretary-General
Professor Jan Palmowski: Guild lead on Africa-Europe Clusters of Research Excellence

14:45 – 15:00 CoRE Water Resource Management for a sustainable and just future: CoRE Pillars
1) Strengthening Research partnerships 2) Influencing policy and practice (local –global)
3) Capacity and capability strengthening Professor Barbara Hribar, Professor of Physical Chemistry, University of Ljubljana; Professor Nelson Odume, Director Institute for Water Research, Rhodes
Dr Jane Tanner: Director ARUA Water Centre of Excellence, Rhodes University
15:00 – 15.10 Africa-Europe priority water challenges and envisaged CoRE response as articulated in the proposal A/Prof Kirsty Carden, Director Future Water Ins􀆟tute, University of Cape Town


15:15 – 15:35 CoRE Creative Economies: Cultures, Innovation and Sustainability
African Journal of Creative Economy
Prof Jen Snowball,, Rhodes University
Prof Duro Oni, University of Lagos
Prof Roberta Comunian and Dr Ika Ekpe, King’s College, London
15.35 – 16:05
Panel discussion: Regional and Global Linkages: Synergies, linkages and funding initiatives
Moderator: Professor Joanna Dames
Dr Olivier Barreteau, UNESCO ICIREWARD Centre, hosted by the University of Montpellier & INRAE
Dr Michael Nxumalo, Director: Africa Collabora􀆟ve Grants and Ini􀆟a􀆟ves, Na􀆟onal Research Founda􀆟on of South Africa
Dr Mgwebi: Group Execu􀆟ve for Business Development, Na􀆟onal Research Founda􀆟on (NRF)
EACEA Representa􀆟ve (TBC)
16:05 – 16:15 Expected Milestones and Closing Remarks
Dr Kwezi Mzilikazi: Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Rhodes University